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Axt Gihane Light Font

The word tabar for axe was directly borrowed into Armenian as tapar ( Armenian: տապար) from Middle Persian tabar, as well as into Proto-Slavic as "topor" (*toporъ), the latter word known to be taken through Scythian, and is still the common Slavic word for axe. The tabarzin was sometimes carried as a symbolic weapon by wandering dervishes (Muslim ascetic worshippers).

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What makes the Persian axe unique is the very thin handle, which is very light and always metallic. The long form of the tabar was about seven feet long, while a shorter version was about three feet long. It bears one or two crescent-shaped blades. The tabarzin (saddle axe) ( Persian: تبرزین sometimes translated "saddle-hatchet") is the traditional battle axe of Persia ( Iran). As a loanword taken through Iranian Scythian, the word tabar is also used in most Slavic languages as the word for axe (e.g. The term tabar is used for axes originating from the Ottoman Empire, Persia, India and surrounding countries and cultures. The tabar (also called tabarzin, which means "saddle axe", Modern Turkish: teber) is a type of battle axe. Heavily patinated head and handle with traces of engraving. Now the abomination is eager to be unleashed on the Temple of Courage.Indian (Sind) tabar battle axe, late 18th century or earlier, crescent shape 5-inch-long head with a square hammer opposite of the blade, 22-inch-long steel haft, the end of the haft unscrews to reveal a 5-inch slim blade. The corpulent mass of rotting flesh known as Blightbone was lovingly constructed by Surgeon Stitchflesh.

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  • Axt Gihane Light Font

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    Axt Gihane Light Font

    Dazu gehören Bossbeschreibungen für den Dungeon Plaguefall und zusätzliche Informationen für den Endboss im Schlachtzug Schloss Nathria. Der Abenteuerführer wurde für Shadowlands Alpha-Build 34490 auf den neuesten Stand gebracht.

    Axt Gihane Light Font