
Bmw scanner 1.4.0
Bmw scanner 1.4.0

There are guides on how to block updates, check this link for example. if you already have your BMW tools running on a Windows 10 machine, DO NOT UPDATE.Unless someone can find a way to install them on the latest Windows 10, you're going to have to just stay away from it. I don't like virtual machines because of the performance overhead they introduce. That way I can either boot to macOS or to Windows. Once my virtual machines told me that Win10 1909 the latest version that worked, I went ahead and installed that on a separate partition. So any version up to and including Update 1909 is safe to use. So after a lot of sketchy Windows 10 downloads and a lot of virtual machines (see picture below) I found that the drivers installed properly on every version of Windows 10 except for the latest one. So after a lot of failed attempts to install them I thought what if there was a windows update that broke them. I, again threw the latest copy of Windows 10 on it (which was now Update 2004) and the drivers wouldn't install. Then, about a month ago, I bought an i7 MacBook Air to replace the MacBook Pro laptop. I threw a copy of the latest (at the time) Windows 10 on it using Bootcamp and after some experimenting and reading on the forums I got the drivers installed with no issues. Almost a year ago I repurposed my old MacBook Pro as a BMW Diagnostics laptop. If you're wondering how I came across this and how I figured out which update is the one that broke the drivers, let me explain. The latest Windows 10 update, which Microsoft refers to as Update 2004 (aka The May 2020 Update), breaks the currently accepted method of installing the drivers, meaning BMW Scanner can no longer communicate with neither the cable nor your car. Without drivers the cable is essentially useless since it can't talk to BMW Scanner. Drivers are the middle man that helps the cable communicate with the computer. This cable depends on the FTDI drivers to run and function properly. In order to use BMW Scanner (also known as P.A. Updating will break support for the BMW Scanner cable. TL DR: If you run BMW Scanner on Windows 10 DO NOT update. EDIT: There is now a way to install the drivers.

Bmw scanner 1.4.0